Monday, September 10, 2007

am i really doing this?

...yes, and I hope to be able to provide to all the young emo kids out there a forum....nae....a guide to life's experience through the eyes of old blue. You may ask and even question, "what the heck is a blue potato" anyway!? Well, it is a fact that this icon - this figure of justice - this model of what was to become a guideline for me as I entered young adulthood. Wow, that sounded really old. Yes, there are real blue potato's out there - never tried them.

But let's just put it this way - The blue potato is a fictional super villain that used to torment the East Cobb neighborhoods back in the mid 80's....especially ones with trampolines in their nicely manicured backyards. My best friend and I used to scout out these 'portals of joy' in the wee hours of the morning and to have our way with them.

Jumping abound like acrobats on crack, we literally had the police involved several times, only to escape in the night with the last word for victory..."The Blue Potato strikes agaaaaain!". I still have no idea where we came up with that one, but it sticks.

Ahhh....there are many trampolines that I simply cannot forget...ones that linger in my soul to this day (some 20 years later!). Like women of the past or ex-flames that left a scar - they all have meaning.

And now the name has joined forces with another meaning in my life - more on that one in the next blog.

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